Friday, April 27, 2012

One of "those" days

The truth is I'm probably not smart enough, charismatic enough, funny enough, athletic enough, brave enough, wise enough, classy enough, and the list goes on and on.  But the good news of the day is that it is Friday ladies and gentlemen and right now this is enough to keep me going. 

I feel as though this week has decided to take a large paddle (with hot coals and spikes attached) and smack me over the head with it until I'm passed out on the floor.  Ever had a week like this?  Probably so.  Maybe you're having this week right now - if this is the case - take heart in the fact that I understand your pain (sort of).

This picture accurately depicts how I feel....

However, even though I feel rather beaten down, I've learned a few things this week.

1. You choose your happiness - not others.  Others might be unhappy, negative, degrading, or even mad at you.  Regardless, its up to YOU to choose to be happy.  Don't let others choose this for you.
2. Breathing is essential.  We're all busy - yes, I know.  However, taking time to breathe during the day, even for a minute, is a must.  Lay down, turn off your brain, smooth your forehead, close your eyes, and let it go.  For at least the full minute. 
3. Smile.  Smiles are indeed contagious.  Even if you don't feel like smiling, just do it.  We don't need more unhappy, crabby, negative people in this world....we have enough. 
4. Drink water.  Since your body and brain are made up of mainly water you function better being well hydrated.  Plus it gives you an excuse to leave places and sneak away to the bathroom to have some solitude.  
5. Give people a break.  Its easy to assume your the only person in the world with problems.  Remembering that everyone is more than likely going through something can be extremely helpful.  Let someone "off the hook" today when they take your parking spot, cut you off in line, say something with a harsh tone, or just plain do something that makes your blood boil.  Just let-it-go.  
6. Hold your tongue.  This one is a hard lesson to learn and I have by no means accomplished this.  But if you are anything like me you have a temper that when it spikes its dangerous to all others in its way.  Sometimes, its best to hold your tongue, follow the above four steps, then speak.  

Even though this week has left me breathless, on the floor, angered, frustrated, exasperated, and just plain tuckered out... sometimes, in spite of everything else, you just need to choose to be happy and decide that tomorrow is in fact a new day and you can make it so.  

So today might suck.  Some days do suck.  Some days have sucked.  And most likely, some days in the future will suck.  But tomorrow is a clean slate, a new whiteboard, a breath of fresher air, a greener mountain, a fresh spring, whatever you wish it to be. 

Chin up, take a breath, and go forward...